Thursday, May 6, 2010


April 30th 2010

It's been two days. Starting to feel a little more comfortable here now. Have to get used to it still. I'm sitting outside right now and you don't know how damn good it feels. There's about 1,500 of us here. Everyone splits off by race. My extent of being outside has been hustling from van to courthouse, to van, to jail, to van, to another jail, to van to plane, to prison transfer center, to plane again, to bus, to prison. And believe me, I gulped every breath of fresh air I could in all those transfers. Fuckin A this feels good now. I just walked a little over two miles and it's not even 3pm yet. Birds are tweetin and shit. Rockin Robin! Address is below for those who want to write. Postcards are gladly accepted. Send no stamps. I''m just happy to be here. My peoples are here, Lakota, we watch out and take care of each other. Still working on the weight loss, will update again soon. Just wanted you to know that birds in the prison yard sing just as pretty, dandelions are just as yellow and smell as sweet on the inside. Grass just cut too. The smell of after the rain is just as fresh and razor wire is pretty with a sun setting behind it. Hello small town America, we're right next door.

Pictures, postcards, greeting cards and letters only
Dana Lonehill 10543-273
FCI Unit D
P.O. Box 1731
Waseca, MN 56093

No stamps please!
