Thursday, January 3, 2008

Jobby Job

I love it...LOVE it!

But it was only day one and I had to turn so many people down already for buying...because I am not supposed to buy until next week.

And already the sob stories started. We need money, we need gas, my sister is dying RIGHT NOW in the hospital and I don't have gas....

Cheese and Rice, I don't work miracles!

Sad...I never did have a good sob story, but I am thinking of writing them down for my own amusement.

So I work with two wonderful people and my co-worker is "half ass married" like me.

The first paycheck isn't until the 18th and I want to say I have some of the bestest friends in the world for giving me rides and baby-sitting for me.

So now that I am professional and shit, I think I will go watch the news, ignore my kids and kick the cat. *no beer* Plus after this New Years I don't want to see another beer until at least Saturday. lol.

Sorry I am not getting around to your ever so interesting blogas, but I am also behind in some orders....oh and btw I can't buy from myself WAHHH! lol

Ok for real, now I am going to go watch the Iowa Cockiss

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